Day 23: March 23, 2020

Best Night Sleep

Last night I got the best night’s sleep in a long time. I think a big part of that is due to the fact that all of mama’s chicks where in the hen house!

My oldest came home from Ohio- she had several appointments in Michigan, so she had planned on coming home for a few days. Literally as she was driving home, Ohio’s governor issued his state’s “Shelter in Place” order. We gave her the option to stay here, she wants to be in her own apartment close to her job…although I’m not sure if she will work now.

She and my husband made plans to hit the grocery store early to get some essentials. Never in a million years did I think I’d be sending her back with a “Shelter in Place” care package.

And yes, we did find a package of toilet paper for her! Michigan’s governor just issued a Shelter in Place order. Wow! We need to get our health care providers the protective gear they NEED!

Stay healthy everyone!

6 thoughts on “Day 23: March 23, 2020

  1. So much to do and so much to think about. Good luck to your daughter and to us all really. PA has closed the liquor stores, but I’m glad to see you were able to buy wine. Wine and chocolate are the two food groups, aren’t they?

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  2. My momma always says the same thing- she sleeps better when all her chicks are in the nest! I LOVE that she had wine and chocolate in her care package. The true essentials! Wishing the best for you and your chicks. Stay safe, stay well!

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  3. This slice is so true! I, too, sleep better with “…all of mama’s chicks where in the hen house!” That is a great metaphor, but equally appropriate to illustrate your point. Even though my children are adults, I feel more in control when they are around and I know they are safe and happy. I’m glad you had to time to send her off with her care package. Did she make it back safely?

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