Day 14: Blah

Yesterday we turned our clocks forward.  Today- I feel the time change.  I did not want to wake up at the time the alarm told me to, neither did my daughter.  The weather is not helping.  Who wants to get up and go when a chilled, damp air looms all around.  Everyone seems to be in slow motion.  Not really motivated, and that includes me.  It is a “blah” day.

I know we get blah days.  But, the world doesn’t stop for them.  We need to trudge through.  We need to keep on, keeping on.  Maybe I need more coffee?  (Although my body tells me I really need a nap!)  I look up and notice a leprechaun poster- maybe the sparkle in his Irish eyes will get me moving- or maybe not.

5 thoughts on “Day 14: Blah

  1. As “blah” as we feel, even though we must be sympathetic to our students who feel the same way, we need to push thru it and set the example.


  2. It was a hard day for me, too, compounded by the fact that it’s a rainy Monday. Let’s hope it gets easier as the week goes on.


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