
I think it is a bit ironic that I just finished reading Louise Erdrich’s The Beet Queen as my husband starting tearing out the main bathroom.

While the story takes place across several decades in 1900’s, the part that stuck out to me was beginning of the story, right about the time of the Dust Bowl.  I have also read Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse.   I now have a taste and an appreciation for what these people had to deal with,  d–u–s–t!

Poor Billie Jo who was wiping away the dust from the plates as she set them, poor Mary Adare trying to make a place for herself in a town recovering from the dry, dusty summers.

Every day (in all fairness it has only been 5 days) I dust twice a day, vacuum once, and keep shutting doors in an empty attempt to keep the bedroom safe from the tiny, annoyances. Unlike Mary and Billie Jo, I chose this situation, and mine is much more temporary than theirs.

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