#SOLSC18 March 7th, 2018

Too Close To Home

Yesterday, as I was working in a fifth grade classroom, I felt the gentle shimmy of my Fitbit. I glanced down and noticed it was a text from my husband. I looked away and then back as it scrolled “he was apprehended by the police. We are safe.” Wait- what!

Trying not to panic in front of the students, I planned how I could get to my iPad to find out how to look up the news.  Once they were settled into their books, I frantically searched for a news article to find answers to all the questions that swirled about my head.  The report was right there.

A student from his high school had made multiple threats about shooting up the school.  Students reported the threat he had posted on his social media.  Police went to his home and found that he had the means to carry out his threat.  Police apprehended him and the judge gave him a hefty bond.

What has happened to our kids?  Are they that desensitized?  Are they starved for attention?  Do they just not understand the traumatic impact this type of behavior- joking or not- has on those who are threatened?

7 thoughts on “#SOLSC18 March 7th, 2018

  1. How terrifying for you– I’m glad your husband is safe. Your other questions remind us about how terrified we should all be about the complexities of society all our students face. I share your questions, and your dismay, and I sure don’t have the answers.

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  2. I share your questions. I have no answers. I’m glad your family and the students of that high school are safe. I hope someday we find a way to give these children what they need before they harm others and themselves.


  3. This is a heart-in-throat moment you capture here. I am so thankful that this didn’t make yet another front page story. I am sure you’ll hold your husband a bit closer tonight.

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  4. Oh, wow. Talk about the power of reading the last sentence first. You lived it!

    First, I am glad it was peacefully resolved. That is not something you can take for granted, even with police involvement.

    Second, I am glad kids spoke up. Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on the negative, the needy, and the problematic that we fail to celebrate those who do the right thing. They did! There’s hope for tomorrow. All the people involved HAVE a tomorrow. Giant thank-you to kids who do the right thing.

    Third, our society is a mess. There is no easy answer about how we got here, nor is there magic pixie dust to help us find our way out.

    I am glad your husband is okay.

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  5. I’m glad that everyone is safe. However, I am saddened to hear one more story… this breaks my heart. I’m not sure if there is one clear answer, but I ready to help support steps to support our youth and communities so that these kinds of events are in our past. Thank you for sharing.

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